I am a guy who likes to paint more than to write. I have other blogs, but I have always published them as if they were a portfolio.
This is the first blog where I’ll tell you things that happen to me about my work.
And the first thing that comes to my memory and I want to tell you is about Gioconda Project.
A few months ago I read about this project nonprofit and open to artists from around the world. I visited your website and I loved the idea that each artist reinterpreted the Gioconda of Leonardo.
I was watching over a hundred wonderful works that were already accepted and I also wanted to participate.
I really did not have much hope that my artorks were accepted, but still finished a painting of a version of Gioconda had already begun and painted for a new series that I had in my mind: Gioconda Travelling.
I sent my Gioconda Travelling – Asia and while waiting the answer, I started working on a new painting, Gioconda Travelling -USA.
I feel really happy and proud to say that both were accepted and incorporated into Gioconda Project.
I did a third. Gioconda Travelling – Africa, but I finished my painting when the admission period was over.
I recommend you to do all visited website Gioconda Project.
I am sure you will like the project and discover wonderful artworks of great artists.