Category: News

Ideas, news, work in progress ...

Apocalypse Now #2

Apocalypse Now #2

I am convinced that Apocalypse Now should occupy a place of honor among the 100 best films of the history of cinema and probably among the 25 best.
And it is my honor and pleasure to make a painting inspired by a photogram of a work of art as it is Apocalypse Now.

And I keep going because I’m in love with her elegance, her gaze and that special way of getting into the camera, his deep look … everything has fallen in love with her since I was a child.

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Cary Grant @ To Catch a Thief – Work in Progress

Cary Grant @ To Catch a Thief – Work in Progress

Hitchcock never disappoints, at least I always kept me glued to the screen. The usual ingredients of his cinema, Catch a Thief adds a splendid glamor using as background the beautiful French Riviera of the 50s and the natural elegance of Grace Kelly (coming soon) and the ability to know how to move in such […]

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